Sunday, September 8 2024

It’s been over a year now that we’ve maintained relationships “filtered” by
screens – and not just because we choose to do so. I’ve noticed how the
tools that often help us communicate (and we have to admit that they really
do help us communicate in this day and age!) sometimes make us fall victim
to inauthentic relationships.

We already highlighted

some of the limitations of the communication tools we use to stay in

, but the problem has several facets. Let’s explore some of them.

A few months ago, a person I hadn’t seen for a long time – the pandemic
being yet another reason for this – ended our friendship after a somewhat
heated discussion regarding gender theory, where I argued the

need to recognize gender difference

. The person had simply blocked me on social media without a word. There
was no clarification whatsoever.

A simple “click,” and it was all over. It was a sad experience, but I
learned a lot from it….

1. Social media doesn’t facilitate discussion about sensitive topics

That day the conversation with my friend got pretty heated. I recognize
that almost nobody is exempt from the danger of the “depersonalization”
that social networks encourage, nor is anyone exempt from the temptation of
the indefinite back-and-forth.

I blame myself for having decided to dissect such a serious, complex issue
(at least for today’s socio-cultural situation), instead of “squashing” it
after briefly stating my opinion. I could’ve just said: “Let’s talk about
this when we see each other in person.”

If we want to speak our mind without being sucked into a vortex of arguing,
it is more effective to be brief – outlining one’s own position and
suggesting further discussion in a more suitable context.

Once the argument has taken place, it’s better to suggest a resolution in

Social networks have the strange power to make us see the other person
as a real monster.

Feelings are numbed by the keyboard. You can’t see the face of the person
you’re talking to, and it’s easier for you to say nasty things that you
would never consider saying to the person’s face.

I urge each one of you – and myself – to not ruin relationships just
because we want to see our own opinions typed out as comments.

2. Having the courage to say things face-to-face: an aptitude we are

This behavior a person might have to end a years-long friendship via social
media, I find it problematic; especially a person who’s an adult,
intelligent, well-educated, respected in many circles…

I must say, to justify my confusion: this was a woman who had been there
for me through many important life events including my wedding day, the
baptism of both my children, and my mother’s funeral. She visited us often
and even babysat my children.

One “click,” and we lost it all.

Why don’t we all think about whether we use social media to get out of a
difficult or uncomfortable situation or if we still have the courage to
talk face-to-face with people even when we have to communicate
disappointment or discontentment, or to correct someone?

Let’s not forget about the possible outcome of having to end a

3. A friendship that ends on social media already had underlying

Of course, we can’t always blame social media alone.

It’s not the usual outcome that a friendship ends via social media due to
an argument online.

Arguments happen, but misunderstandings can be dealt with if there is
mutual respect and sincere care for one another.

The love that we have for each other outweighs the difference of opinions.
Conflicts are not a side note; they are overcome together with patience and

It is likely that relationships end this way when there are already many
differences in opinions, when there is little in common, or when two people
have different values. Social networks, in the face of conflict, make
people want to fold rather than patiently try to close the gap.

However, if we are being honest, we must admit that social networks widen
cracks that had already been there. This was certainly the case in my

I have learnt a lesson: reflecting on the bases of my friendships. Asking
ourselves if they could withstand an argument on social media is a possible
indication of how solid the friendships really are…

Finally, I’d like to mention that social media can become an important
bridge for our relationships, especially in a time where contact is limited
due to extenuating circumstances.

But it would be great if we might take this time of isolation to consider
how technology affects our lives.

How does it hinder me? How does it help me?

It could be worth considering keeping a journal in which we could jot down,
most sincerely, our thoughts about how social networks enslave us, isolate
us, and make us run away from relationships versus when they help us to
love and show affection. It might also be helpful to understand why we are
unable to do the latter in person.

We look forward to your thoughts and comments!


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