Saturday, October 5 2024

The family exposed by the media, and the family exposed to the old and new media influence was the theme for the
Congress promoted by the Forum of Family Associations. The Congress
took place in the Italian Senate and a wide range of politicians and
professionals in the field of communications and the family

The individual family is not enough to face this challenge: a
collaborative effort is needed. Family associations, legislators, and
schools must unite efforts to create an educational alliance that can
invigorate the family and as a consequence regenerate society, which is
strongly influenced by the “soap opera culture”. Belletti, president of
the Forum, launched the challenge John Paul II made in Familiaris consortio: the family should be the protagonist to
transform society.

Testimonies were given about the actual experiences of family
associations in various fields (from adoption to girls recovering from
sex trafficking, to family movie festivals, etc.). Moreover, results
were presented from a recent study on exposing children and adolescents
(11-18 years old) to the media. Pietro Boffi from FUOCO conducted the
study through a sample of 1,300 school children from the Italian
peninsula. The data confirms the pervasivity of the new and old media
for youth and children, and these young people’s awareness of this
influence, which is mostly perceived as negative (70%).

One of the members of the research group familyandmedia, Norberto
González Gaitano, gave the key note speech at the conference entitled “

Family Relationships, their media representations, and virtual





“I don't think teenagers are getting something from the internet they cannot get at home”

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