Wednesday, January 15 2025

Distance learning is growing at a fast pace according to Global Market Insights report, which shows an increase from 2018 of $190 billion, with a projection of more than $300 billion by 2025.

There has been an international boom in distance learning partly due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the closure of schools, universities and b2b or b2c classes, there has been a sudden increase in online education.

To meet the needs of its students and readers, Familyandmedia has launched new courses on its Familyandmediaeducation teaching platform.

The new Familyandmedia Education courses

The following courses are currently available:

1. Educating on love and friendship through the classics

The classics never fade away because they capture what is truly human about human life. The course has two objectives:

1. To cultivate a taste for great stories because they are able to deeply influence the perception that young people have of love and friendship and other dimensions that shape character formation.

2. To promote an educational culture oriented to critical thinking and development of thought

This course is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and Italian, with voice-overs, not subtitles, to make the learning process more natural and engaging. A trailer is available, in order to realize the characteristics and themes of the course.

Each video lesson lasts about 15/20 minutes. The professors are Alessandro d’Avenia, Armando Fumagalli, Antonio Malo, Andrea Monda, Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera, Travis Curtright. For the Covid crisis, a special price of 60 euros is offered.

Whom it is meant for: teachers, educators, and professionals working in the field of education and communication, parents who feel committed to giving their children the best possible education, and also fans of literature, movies, and TV series.

To register for the course click here.

2. Family and media

Educating about the media with media. The course has two objectives:

1. To show how the media have a particular influence on a person’s or family’s life, as well as on society.

2. To create awareness that the media presents risks but also many opportunities as an educational factor for the family.

The professors of this course are González Gaitano, Braga, Bergamino, Mastroianni, Romano, and Fumagalli.

Here is the trailer of the course.

For the Covid crisis, a special price of 40 euros is offered. To register for the course click here.

The course is only available in Italian.

3. Storytelling Workshop

The course has two objectives:

1. To show how very current, ethically sensitive issues can be addressed and analyzed through the technique of storytelling.

2. To acquire the right sensitivity to discern the message that a film or a TV series wants to communicate to us.

Here is the trailer of the course.

The course is available in Italian and is free.

What are you waiting for? Subscribe now to Familyandmedia Education courses, to learn from home.


Education in the digital world



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