Monday, September 16 2024

Returning from vacation is never easy. On one hand, we
like to get back our daily routine, but the desire to stay at sea, in the
mountains, or simply taking a break at home can linger for a long while

Is there a way to not think too much at the end of the summer? Distract
yourself with good books.

Which ones? Below we point out some texts, some recent, others more dated,
which we believe are worth being taken up by your hands…

1) The 5 Love Languages
, Gary Chapman, 2001

A somewhat dated, yet extremely current volume, a must that we feel we can
suggest because it sheds light on truths that are anything but outdated
regarding married life.

Many times we reduce love to mere feeling and convince
ourselves that it must feed on itself. If the relationship
becomes “tired,” we say that “love is over” and slowly we surrender to its

This book is able to awaken the active role we must play
if we want love stay alive or rise again when it seems lost. The author proposes 5 ways to nurture and grow conjugal love,

simple and concrete ways that every husband and wife can follow.

It is an interesting book, which explains to us how to remind the other
that he or she is not alone… that one’s own life is united with other’s.

2) An Odyssey of Love and War,
Olga Brajnovic, Rialp, 2019

1941. Mussolini’s troops occupy the beautiful bay of Kotor (later Croatia
and today Montenegro) and arrest Luka Brajnovic, a young and motivated
Croatian journalist.

He manages to escape and months later, now in Zagreb, he marries his
girlfriend, Ana Tijan.

During a trip to write a report for his newspaper, Tito’s communist
partisans attack the train and stop him. Sentenced to death in a coarse
trial, he is spared his life with the vain hope of obtaining his
collaboration with the communist partisan propaganda, him being a
well-known Catholic journalist.

He manages to escape the prison camp and reunite with his beloved. Faced
with the imminent conquest by the Communists of Zagreb, and driven by his
family, he finds himself facing exile, waiting to reunite with his loved
ones. The wife is pregnant, but circumstances force them to separate.

Olga Brajnovic, journalist, with the help of correspondence between the
parents, reconstructs a moving story, which reveals the greatness of the human being. A fascinating book, a true
odyssey of love and war and a song to the fidelity of a
love that overcomes the fragility of men and the harsh
circumstances of war.

3) A sexually liberated youth (or almost)
(Italian publisher Sonzogno, 2017)

It is a book written by Thérèse Hargot, a French psychotherapist with
decades of experience in schools and in continuous contact with

The author addresses the delicate issue of sexual liberalization,
explaining how

young people are no longer so free today as they were when sexuality
was “reserved for marriage.”

The continuous and explicit stimuli that young people receive would lead
them to feel “forced” to live out their intimacy “too soon” and “badly.”

Easy access to porn, performance anxiety, and obsession with sexual

according to the author, all of the above suffocate young people, rather
than freeing them, and do not allow them to develop and mature serenely.

It is a book that opens the reader’s eyes, that “unmasks” alleged conquests. Thanks to numerous
testimonies, the author tries to give answers to those who want to preserveintimacy so that , instead of being soiled and wasted, it can be joyfully
actualized and experienced.

4) Navarro-Valls, el portavoz. Veinte testimonios para la historia.

Rafael Navarro-Valls (ed). Rialp, 2019

For twenty-two years, in the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI,
Joaquín Navarro-Valls was spokesman for the Holy See.

To accompany John Paul II, he traveled more than a million kilometers,

equivalent to twenty trips around the globe. He shared his summer holidays
in the Alps with the Polish Pope. He was the latter’s special envoy in the
official missions of the Holy See, such as the Cairo and Beijing
Conferences, and in other delicate missions, such as the preparation of the
Pope’s trip to Cuba or the first visit of a Vatican delegation to Moscow
during the communist regime.

He was a psychiatrist before his appointment as Vatican spokesman,
correspondent between Rome and the Middle East of the Spanish newspaper ABC and, after his retirement at the Vatican, he was President of
the Advisory Council of the University of the Biomedical Campus of Rome, in
addition to be a professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
He died on July 5th, 2017 in Rome.

This volume contains first-hand accounts, ranging from its
current successor, the Jesuit Father Lombardi, to prominent journalists who
knew him closely, to George Weigel, the most accredited biographer of John
Paul II. The testimonies draw a

human, professional, and historical profile to understand this
legendary figure of the Vatican and international communication

and understand a dimension of the second longest pontificate in the history
of the Church, and certainly one of the most fruitful.

Enjoy reading!


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