Tuesday, January 14 2025

As president of Family Party, and after consulting many members, I desired to write this open letter addressed to all those already workingin family associations, but also to all those who still believe that the family is constituted by a man and a woman, the very foundation of a healthy and balanced society.

At this point in history, where there is discussion in various political and social camps about what the future for the family holds, I feel it my duty to defend our beliefs, our traditions and our values, which cannot be torn apart by the will of a minority inspired by libertarian principles, that can pass the criterion I am what I feel.

I am referring to the gender theory which is passing through our parliaments, Europe and single States in the US, seeking to undermine thousands of centuries of history, (from the beginning of man’s existence on earth) wanting to affirm the principle that “gender”, is not something certain, but rather depends on how one feel which can change over time.

But I ask myself: Where are the scholars, the scientists, professors, historians who are indignant at such statements and protest against policies which claim the authority to change History and Science! This is not a battle of principles, nor is it a war between good and evil, but a position of people that back diversity – which no one is trying to deny – not only wanting to affirm their right, but also impose it on the majority.

In our little survey among members, our association being composed of families, a Dad and a Mom, which includes those separated and remarried, single parents, childless couples or adopted children, all laity, and not linked to religious beliefs, I can ascertain we are all of the idea that there exists only the genders “male”and “female”. Further, that there exists only one type of family, that between a man and a woman.

We are respectful of every person and his freedom to express his views, but we are not disposed to see changes in society that introduce concepts of family with which we simply cannot identify, as well as the concerns they raise in regards effects on future generations and the social-economic development of the entire world. Different economists state that there is no development without a balance between different factors that compose our economy, and a society where there is no demography growth is destined to failure. History shows well that demographic growth takes place where there are families who bring kids into the world and raise them in a healthy and harmonious way. Perhaps my attention should be turned toward resolving the family crisis: maybe politics should be more concerned with helping families that are separated, giving them economic and psychological help, because a separated couple is always traumatic for kids and single parents. Maybe we should reflect primarily on the fact that the union between one man and one woman, which constitutes the family, is the best deal of our lives.

How can we change things? My hope is that anyone who reflects on these arguments bring their thoughts to work, in theirfamily and social context in which they live. We at Family Party, since 2008, try to do it through joyous occasions such as organizing parties, outings, travels for families, but also formative moments with experts in family themes, to share the joy of their own lived family life, and to witness to both the noble and elevating aspects of family life.

Soon we will be called upon to testify the aforesaid, as these new theories are creeping into our homes, our schools, or perhaps have already entered, so we must be ready to defend our children, our way of thinking. . We must not fear to seem outdated and conservative, we must respect the others but also demand respect, and if anyone will defends their position, perhaps we will make understood that it is truly at for the good of all.

I would like to bring as an example of that which is happening the image go a tree that is uprooted with all its roots as I think is the best way to explain the danger in which we are currently living.

I desire to conclude with an appeal to all people who share our thought, but also to all those that think differently: “We have to for which unites us and not that which divides us. We seek to protect our children with prospects of a better world, we have to give up our self-centeredness to think more to the common good.”


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