Monday, September 16 2024

Social networks
tend to make us irreflexive and impulsive: the fact that
we communicate with someone through a screen and not “face to face” can
lead to the loss of that modesty that normally keeps us
from saying openly everything we think when the interlocutor is in front of
us in flesh and blood.

When we are “protected” by our smartphone or PC, we risk going beyond the
boundaries within which the tones of a conversation can be defined as

This is how the insults to perfect strangers happen along with jokes of bad
taste or cynical and intrusive comments that, perhaps, we would not
pronounce without the shield of technological tools.

The temptation to fall into the so-called “hate speech”, filling our
profiles or the pages we frequent with indelicate or offensive comments is
always very strong. So, here are three golden rules to avoid being
merciless with those we “meet” in our digital path, making
a dustbin what should be an environment of dialogue, confrontation,
recreation and not of venting and offense.

1. Always think that social users are real people!

If you are writing an unkind comment or even an offense, always remember
that you are addressing a person in the flesh, even if you are hidden
behind a screen.

How many times the articles posted on social networks are filled up with
unspeakable wickedness that, commonly, one doesn’t hear between two people
having coffee together?

Before writing, let’s reflect on the fact that the other can’t be the
victim on which to pour our stress or our repressed anger. Social networks
cannot become punch balls.

2. What you write in social media always has its consequences

Let’s always ask ourselves if what we’re about to write in social media can
offend someone, hurt his feelings or even humiliate him.

Let’s also remember that we are responsible for our actions on the web. For
example, we can be prosecuted for defamation on the net, just like in real
life. Indeed, it is good to know that defamation can even be aggravated if
it occurs in a social network like Facebook, because, legally, the social
network is considered a real space, where what is said reaches many people
at once. It’s one more reason to think twice about before writing mean

3. A kind word is more effective than one hundred insults

If the purpose of our comment is to make reflect someone who, in our
opinion, supports a wrong thesis, for sure we will not make him change his
mind by insulting him. Nobody reflects if they feel attacked, but they will
try to defend themselves and, even just not to agree with us, they will
support even more their convictions.

It may be that we are right and the other is in error, but even so we must
remember that only if we correct with respect, if we offer ideas for
reflection in order to help – not to defeat – the other, the dialogue can
be constructive. Otherwise, we are just wasting time. Or, worse, we are
sowing resentment. In a nutshell, we are dirtying the web.

Let’s arm ourselves, then, with patience and humility. Let us remember that
a gentle word moves a hardened heart more than a hundred ones spit in

And do you readers have any other rules to suggest? If you think you can
help us, write in the comments what you think makes the web a better place.


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