Monday, September 16 2024

Nobody would have wanted to be in the middle of a pandemic of this sort,
but now we are in the middle of it. So, we might as well make the best
possible use of the situation in which we find ourselves – even from the
perspective of a grandfather or grandmother.

In these circumstances, grandparents typically remain home alone, justly
away from their children and grandchildren. They have to resign themselves
to the fact that grandchildren, especially if they are quite young, are not
thinking much about them because they are content with having Mom and Dad
at home with them all day long. They are no longer catapulted out of their
beds early in the morning – usually still half-asleep – into the classroom
of a kindergarten or a primary school, where they then wait at the end of
the day for their grandpa to pick them up.

The dog becomes a very precious friend – an excuse to take a walk
throughout the day, even if these sweet companions of ours do not
understand why they have to go to the park so many times when their needs
have already been satisfied.

The grandparents, however, also have a pleasant surprise in store for them:
their children call much more often, even every day! I can testify that,
thanks to modern technology, we grandparents were able to videoconference
with our four children and eight grandchildren at the same time. These are
magnificent gatherings that before the pandemic sharpened our wits,
happened only at Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, during this time, we
have lovely phone calls not only with friends and close relatives, but we
take the opportunity to chat, without haste, with those we have not spoken
to in a long time. Even moments with grandchildren can be made up with
video calls: every morning, at 10a.m., we grandparents have a fixed
connection with our grandchildren. We go over the history of ancient Rome
in episodes (obviously not only with words but also with photos and

Even being alone with just one other person in the house can be an
opportunity to remember good times spent together and take extra good care
of each other. Now that there is no longer the anxiety of watching the
clock in order to go pick up the grandkids, grandparents are able to
dedicate more time to one another.

We are a little ashamed to say this, but when we attend the Pope’s Mass
transmitted from Santa Marta, as the Holy Father is closed in his room, we
end up being more attentive and concentrated than when we find ourselves in
a church, perhaps sitting in a front pew. This is also due to the essential
and also beautiful homilies of the Holy Father. It is precisely Pope
Francis who is guiding us these days, almost like a parish priest of all
Italians. In addition to the daily masses, it was nice to participate in
the rosary on March 19 and then in the recitation of Our Father on March

There is also time to read books deeper than the ones we usually read
because there is time to stop and reflect. Those who, on the other hand,
are more oriented towards doing something rather than thinking, it is very
likely that they will remember that there are repairs to do at home that
have been waiting to be taken care of for a long time.

When it comes to entertainment, there’s a wide range of possibilities to
watch movies and TV series streaming on your computer or cell phone. There
are many paid platforms like Netflix, PrimeVideo, TimVision, , Disney+, Sky
Go but also great opportunities offered by RaiPlay, which is free.

We suggest The telephone concession based on the novel by Andrea
Camilleri, recently broadcast and now available on RaiPlay, which is of
high quality even if not suitable for children.

If you are finally looking for ideas and advice, visit specialized family
websites such as ,

, or

which all suggest movies and TV series available on the Internet or in

For those who are cinephiles, there is also a wonderful opportunity: the
Cineteca di Milano offers free viewings of classic movies.


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