Sunday, September 8 2024

available online since few months, is a new TV recommendation and
orientation website, which helps us to choose in the great sea of TV
series. Orientaserie is particularly addressed to parents
and educators. It wants to be an agile, documented and reliable
consultation tool on a world in which teenagers spend a good part of their
free time: TV series and shows.

The website hosts reviews by critics and experts, reports and promotes
content suitable for viewing in the family, offering all the information
necessary to evaluate the most popular products and conveying
a well-founded and reliable judgment.

Why Orientaserie was born?

More and more often TV series are high quality productions, which also deal
with issues that are quite challenging in terms of content and narrative
structure, as well as emotional complexity. It is important that parents,
teachers and all those who deal with children and young people are well informed
about the most followed stories and characters. Talking about them can be
the beginning of a fruitful dialogue that does not neglect even difficult


The Orientaserie reviews offer a summary judgment and an
articulated analysis, which takes into account the various seasons of each
series. The topics of discussion that may arise from the vision in the
family are also highlighted.


The project is promoted by Aiart (Italian Association of Viewers), which promotes a
conscious use of the media, Master in International Screenwriting and
Production at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and Corecom
(Regional Committee for Communication) of Lombardy, an independent regional
guarantee body, which carries out governance, control and consulting
functions in the field of communications and a regional body of AGCOM (National Authority for Communications Guarantees) for the exercise of
delegated functions in the territory.


A very interesting function of the website, is the possibility to quickly
choose a television series according to the age group of interest. In this
way, we can immediately understand if a certain fiction is suitable or not
for a certain age group. So what are you waiting for? Enjoy your visit on Orientaserie!


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