Monday, September 16 2024

Does the Big Bang Theory rule out the creation theory? Is there room for
God in the science lab? Why do we die? Will the human mind be replaced by
artificial intelligence? These are some of the “Big Questions” that
scientists, philosophers, theologians, and all of us “mere mortals” are
constantly asking. In some cases, there are widely accepted answers to
these questions, while in other cases, the debate is still ongoing and
quite intense.

A new learning platform for high schoolers, DISF Educational, has been
created. It is designed for a style of teaching that connects scientific
thought, philosophy, and Catholic beliefs.

This new digital platform offers specific theoretical and operational tools
to both high school teachers and students. The platform is currently only
offered in Italian but is also free and ad-free! It is organized into five
educational subjects, for an in-depth study of science, philosophy, and
religion. The platform also features


, including exceptional testimonials, that provide guidance and food for

What are the goals of the DISF platform? First and foremost, the formation
of our youth. The site intends to provide Italian schools with means to
address the main interdisciplinary current issues surrounding scientific
thought, philosophy, and the Catholic religion.

The DISF Educational Project, promoted by the Interdisciplinary
Documentation Center of Science and Faith ( of the Holy Cross University
(Rome), also backed by the Italian Episcopal Conference, is the fruit of a
collaboration of more than 30 teachers and researchers.

We hope, and encourage the promoters of this platform, that it will be
offered in other languages in the near future, as teachers and students
that speak languages other than Italian would greatly benefit from this


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