Monday, September 16 2024

Family: A Conference Celebrating 30 Years of Familiaris Consortio

Redazione 0 0

“The Fecundity of Familiaris Consortio: from John Paul II to Benedict XVI” was the title of the conference held in […]

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“Food Force”: Educating Young People in Solidarity through a free video game

Eugene Ohu 0 0

In April 2005 at a small book fair in Bologna Italy, the World Food Program (WFP) launched a free video […]

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Family relationships, how they are presented in the media, and virtual relationships

Redazione 0 0

Perhaps the success of social networks among adolescents is due to the necessity for young people to find their identity. […]

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The Image of the Father in Italian Press

Piotr Studnicki 0 0

According to statistics provided by the gynecology clinic Mangiagalli of Milan, before Christmas 2010, a new mother out of five […]

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Infinite Bandwith. Encountering Christ in the Media

José María La Porte 0 0

Eugene Gan. Infinite Bandwith. Encountering Christ in the Media . Emmaus Road 2010. What does this book offer that is […]

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Intelligent Video games: when you can benefit from playing!

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

Who said that video games are necessarily bad? If it is true that spending many hours before a screen playing […]

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The secret of brands. What’s hidden behind the communication of fashion: real needs or only emotive suggestions?

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

The new edition of What’s left of the media by Gianfranco Bettetini and Armando Fumagalli (Quel che resta dei media; […]

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Users and consumers of Spanish media

Redazione 0 0

Cmedia ( ) is a federation of 17 regional associations of media users and consumers, which has given new […]

Read More when the Internet is at the service of the family

Redazione 0 0 ( is an active web portal dedicated to the family, based on a Christian prospective on life. It […]

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Infoval: educating the family in values and virtues

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

Infoval ( is a Spanish/English web portal for the education of values and virtues within the family context. It is […]

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