Media education
Social networks and depression: link shown with scientific research
Social networks and depression: an increase in unhappiness for young Americans Recent research by the University of Pittsburgh on the […]
Men struggle with porn addiction, some women want to feed it
Good news and bad news about one of the greatest evils of the 21st century. There is good news and […]
Letter from a husband to his wife
YOUR BODY ENCHANTS ME My beloved bride: I truly wish you knew how much I love your body! Your body […]
Violent Media, Children, and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Role of Genes
One of the factors that might influence the differences found in children’s consumption of violent television programs and videogames is […]
The Family: the Invisible Factor
That the family is a key piece in the building up of society has been an axiom that never needed […]
Digital Intoxication: When to Stop
What is Digital Intoxication? The moment has come to speak of the digital intoxication of our day. But what does […]
Cell Phone Addiction: Here’s How Many Times a Day We Use It
Are you addicted to your cell phone? If you answered no, maybe you need to think again, because nowadays between […]
Adolescence in the Family: How to Help Parents Deal with a Difficult Time for Their Children
For many parents, the adolescence of their children presents itself as a situation of great uncertainty and concern. However, if […]
Social network e depressione: una ricerca scientifica dimostra la loro correlazione
Social network e depressione: aumenta il malessere nei giovani americani Una recente ricerca dell’Università di Pittsburgh sull’uso dei social network […]
C’è discriminazione per le famiglie numerose?
Sono circa 800mila, secondo gli ultimi dati Istat, le coppie che in Italia hanno messo al mondo almeno tre figli. […]