Monday, September 16 2024

How many selfies do we take each day? How many posts do we publish on
Facebook and how many hours do we spend chatting on WhatsApp? The site

Connected Generations

has listed the 7 most common mistakes we make online.
These are bad digital habits, to which they were given – with great
imagination and irony – precise names and surnames. We now present them to
you and…let us discover together what defects we recognize the most.

1. Chat Woman

She is the queen of the chat. She likes to spend the whole day chatting,
from the moment she wakes up until the evening when she goes to sleep,
leaving the phone turned on under her pillow. Like a real lioness of the
keyboard, she easily switches from Facebook chat to WhatsApp, from Tinder
to Badoo. Not caring about danger, she crosses crosswalks without ever
turning up her gaze from the smartphone. She often happens to converse with
many people and on several different messenger apps at the same time. But
it’s not a problem. For her there are no space limits nor time constraints.
This is the digital frontier! But in taking part in this constant chatting,
our Chat Woman risks losing herself in a purely virtual life, losing
contact with reality, people and true emotions… Familyandmedia advises
you to read

How to live happily and calmly without smartphones and tablets: the
5 rules of digital detox.

2. Silver Selfie

“We are the Army of the selfie

of those who get tan with the iPhone

But we have no more contacts

Only to like another post.”

It is the famous chorus of the “Army of the Selfie”, a
recent Italian song of great success. And our Silver Selfie, is just as inspired by this musical smash
hit. He is the king of the selfie. He is sure that he understands the true
meaning of life: taking pictures of himself with his smartphone and posting
them on social media, in a perennial and spasmodic expectation of likes.
Any photo is fine: having just woken up, while eating a sandwich, or
leaning against the wall outside his house… The important thing is to post,
what counts is to be up there. Dear Silver Selfie, be careful though. Doing
this puts you at risk of becoming a caricature of yourself and giving a
wrong and superficial image. Familyandmedia recommends you to read

Good Digital Purposes: here are the secrets of the 5: 2 diet!

3. The Incredible Url

There’s really nothing to do; he cannot help it. As soon as he sees a link,
he cannot resist checking it out. He clicks on anything and everything,
accepting what pops up without reading a single line. Maybe he is a little
naive, maybe even a little distracted, but our Incredible URL would do well to think a moment before
clicking, to avoid scorching disappointments. In fact, on the web there are
many viruses, scams and content that could cause damage. Keep an eye out
for privacy. Finding ourselves with our personal and sensitive data stolen
can happen in just a single second. Dear Incredible Url, Familyandmedia
recommends reading

The deep web: the dark side of the Internet. A journey beyond the
boundaries of the Web.

4. Tagman

As a child I grew up reading Spiderman comics. Now though, it appears that
he has been replaced by Tagman. He simply cannot do without it. His desire
to tag everyone in every picture and at any given moment is truly
uncontrollable. The result? He often annoys his friends, who may be more
careful about their own privacy and are not enthusiastic about letting the
whole world know where they are and what they are doing. Maybe the Tagman,
before tagging someone, should ask the others for permission. It is the
first rule of proper digital etiquette. Dear Tagman, we recommend reading

Mom, no photos of me on Facebook! A research reveals the use of
internet and social media in the family.

5. Visible Girl

She is the sister of Silver Selfie. Vanity seems to be
just a family vice! She, too, takes pictures continuously with her
smartphone and then sends them via messenger to her friends. “It’s super
private. Delete it immediately” she leads on to her friends a bit
flirtatiously, but then eventually this selfie goes around the Net and gets
loads of views. Dear Visible Girl, a picture sent on WhatsApp or posted on
Facebook is forever. Even if you regret it, it’s too late, because it could
have been saved and spread on the Internet by someone else. Never take sexy
photos. It may not just be seen by the friend or partner you sent it to,
but by many others and could destroy your reputation irremediably. Don’t
make hasty and naive choices that could ruin your future. Familyandmedia
recommends reading

Snapchat: new frontier of social networks or trap to escape?

6. Storm

He is always the most informed of the group. He knows everything:
appointment or lesson times, addresses of the places to go, the latest
lecture notes from class, even secrets of all sorts. The result is then
being constantly targeted by messages and requests, with the risk of
wasting your precious time answering people and messaging, letting more
important things get pushed to the side. Dear Storm, be careful not to ever
spread personal information about you and your friends online. You could
become victim of cyberbullying or have unpleasant experiences just because
you have put your phone number or home address on social networks. After
all, you’re a good person and have a big heart. You just have to be careful
not to trust so easily and give information to your virtual friends. Even
if they look like good people, they could bring you serious trouble.
Familyandmedia recommends reading

How to prevent our children from falling into the trap of Grooming.

7. The Postman in Black

He is certainly the most spiteful and unfriendly of our characters. He
pursues everything and everyone, though his favorite victims are often
those who are weaker and defenseless, like immigrants, women, the elderly
and the disabled. Social media is his natural environment to let off steam,
make fun of others, criticize and offend. He’s a professional screamer,
always looking for a post of that will easily get some applause, perhaps to
compensate for his enormous insecurity and frustration in real life. For an
extra like he would do anything crazy. It is advisable to ignore him and
not respond to his virtual provocations. Dear Postman in Black, stop
screaming and attacking everyone one social media for a moment and take two
minutes to read

Haters online: do little bullies grow and evolve?

In conclusion, the web is a wonderful world, which can offer many
possibilities and opportunities for study, learning, leisure and work.
However, let us not allow our weaknesses and lack of character to become
fertile seeds to feed bad habits. Let us try to find the right balance
between life… and digital life. We must learn to control ourselves and be
polite and respectful on the web. We owe it to ourselves and to others.
Happy and healthy surfing to everyone!

Original source:
We thank the site

Generations Connected

for the images, names and idea of the characters.


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