Monday, September 16 2024

To build a new family, especially in times of crisis, is certainly not

Besides the economic crisis, there are environmental and educational
struggles. Such is the charge of transmitting values to one’s own children
-values that allow them to mature as adults, as men and women of criteria,
as protagonists of social change rather than individuals who passively
undergo social transformations. These are real challenges for new parents
who need support, guidance, formation, and without a doubt, encouragement
from national and international institutions.

This year, the United Nations will celebrate its 20th anniversary for the
International Year of the Family: an event meant to not only to honor the
family, but also to further acknowledge the essential role that the family
plays, and ought to develop even further, in today’s society. This occasion
is an excellent opportunity to focus on the role of the family in the
development of the human person and civil society, as well as to unearth
initiatives and ideas that may bring about new political and civic
solutions to problems.

To prepare for the event, an array of international initiative for experts
in the field are being organized, from international meetings and
conferences, to think tanks and discussion forums, to research projects and
the publication of the latest studies conducted.

The official site
is already active and updated with news, reports, conferences and other
scheduled events.

Familyandmedia invites those interested in learning more about the occasion
to check out the “Declaration of the civil society on the occasion of the
20° anniversary of the international year of the family”


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